When it comes to the health of your mouth, most people think of their teeth first. However, our Mullins, SC, dentist also urges you to consider the condition of your gums. Fortunately, early stages of gum related infections can be reversed and even prevented all together with proper gum disease care.
If you have noticed sharp pain, tenderness, or discomfort of any kind with regards to your gums, you may be experiencing symptoms of a periodontal or gum disease and should see Dr. Blevins immediately. Your gums serve as a foundation and can greatly affect your overall oral health so any of the following below are considered possible areas of concern.
Here’s what you should know about gum disease as well as how you can maintain a healthy smile.
A periodontal disease of any kind is serious and knowing what stage you are dealing with is critical as it can influence the type of care required. Remember that regular brushing, flossing, and dental exams will help to prevent the onset of any type of gum infection.
The earliest stage that can be experienced is known as
. Gingivitis is marked by inflamed or red gums that might bleed after brushing or flossing and can result due to plaque buildup at the gum line. Given that this is the , it is entirely treatable and can be undone.If left untreated or ignored, however, gingivitis can progress into loss of teeth.
, a chronic and long-term condition, which ranges from minor to severe. In later stages, periodontitis can lead to destroyed gum and bone tissue, severely loose teeth, and even theInfections of the gum area, depending on the severity, can be reversible. Whether you are trying to avoid periodontal disease entirely or simply manage an existing condition, there is treatment that you can follow both at home and in our Mullins, SC, dental office.
Maintaining proper gum health with an established routine every day will best serve you in the long run. If you want to prevent mouth pain or worse, tooth decay, it’s all about forming beneficial habits and keeping up with them each day. That means not neglecting regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups with Dr. Blevins. Your gums (and teeth) will thank you!
Think you might be experiencing a symptom of gingivitis or even periodontitis? Our dentist in Mullins, SC, is waiting to provide you with the best care possible to help alleviate your condition. Dr. Todd Blevins welcomes you to the practice so that he, as well as the rest of our dental staff, can help your smile shine bright. To request an appointment, call Blevins Dentistry today at (843) 561-4039.
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